It should just be entitled “Jenna Kate” – but really, shouldn't most of them? She really understood Halloween this year. Thank you to Dora, Mickey, Caillou, and The Little Einsteins crew for really making it hit home for her. I’m not going to lie that I reinforced every repeated episode with, “what were they doing?...that’s right…getting CANDY!” and a little, “ghosts and skeletons are so FUN and SCARY!!”
I love Halloween. I miss the pre-babies-Halloweens of Creep up to El Campo. Our wild, annual party in Fort Worth. Cristie and I would spend all year buying decorations. Kevin and Fred would spend 3 days covering the house in tarp and webs. It would take us at least 3-4 days to recover from the ridiculous amount of jello-shots consumed.
I’ve really always loved Halloween. The contemplation of costume, the feel of parties at school at work, the complete delirium in knowing you’re going to get a bunch of candy and you’re going to eat it!, and (my personal favorite) the thrill of being scared. I love haunted houses and scary movies. I love when Kevin jumps out at me with a scary mask on – even though I scream and start swinging at him with intent to seriously injure.
I have officially decided, as with most things I have ever loved…I love Halloween more with little people.
Landon has gotten older and hit that stretch of time where, really, all that matters is candy. How much? How much? And How much? The costume is still important, but not as important as the pillowcase used to collect the candy.
But Jenna. She is at the age that makes you step back on Halloween night and say “this is one of those things that makes having kids So. Much. Fun.” She loved every second of it….from the pumpkin carving with her daddy that morning, to the baby-pre-party with her little BF, Milla. I couldn’t even keep up with her at the Trunk or Treat party – she was running up to any and everyone that looked like they had candy and saying Trick or Treat. She would go up to really scary costumes and laugh and say “oooo- ‘cary!!!” A man dressed as some slasher’s victim asked if he could put her in the back of his truck – decorated in skulls and webs and such- to take a picture of the pink little ballerina that was not afraid of anything!
Jenna and Daddy and Elmo - Carving.....

Unexpected photoshoot while Jake was tanning....

Gaga and Papa...

Getting ready with Milla...

My football player....

Trunk or Treat.....
The very first piece:

And she's off:

The Outcome.....

And here are some pictures from the pumpkin patch....but no pics with pumpkins?…..

Sic 'em, Bears! 

Cute, cute!! Your parents really went all out!! I have the same giant BU flag flying too!