Bubba Jack
Bebe Jeke
Baby Jakey
Baby J-cup
Bebe Jeke
Baby Jakey
Baby J-cup
AT 4 months old, Jacob Kyle:

Laughs when you nibble his chin
Laughs when you talk “baby-talk” to him
Laughs when Jenna sings to him
Laughs when you say “BOO!”

Pulls my hair when I’m feeding him
Cries when he’s really, really tired
Sticks his bottom lip out if you pretend to cry

Turns down a bottle
Wants to fuss
Forgets to smile when you say his name
Makes me feel anything but blessed….

I've never met a happier baby; thus, I have never felt this truly happy.
Thank you, charming gardener.
Love, love!! And so glad that he is so happy. That makes it so wonderful. :)