I know, I know….you’re all thinking “oh me too! I love Sonic ice!” There is even something on Facebook …“I like Sonic ice”… that you can click if you do, in fact, like it. I get it. I’m not original in liking the little pebbles of goodness. But, as I often do, I take the like to the level of addiction. I go to Sonic every single day. Every Day of the Week I go and get a large diet coke with extra ice. If I’m not content with the amount of extra ice, I push the button again and order a large cup of more ice.
Yesterday, I was down by my work picking up a prescription and got to pull into my old Sonic! (you know ---back when I used to work --- before 3 weeks of bedrest and 10 weeks of maternity leave?) I pushed the button and heard “Large Diet Coke Extra Ice!! Did you have your baby???” It felt good to be back. Back at my pharmacy, back at my Sonic, back by my hospital.
That being said, for a woman who is SO ready to go back to work…I’m so NOT ready to go back to work. I’m due back on October 5th, but am going to dip my toes in tomorrow and 3 days next week. Get used to the water before I’m drowning in a full schedule of patients on the 5th. Jenna has been going to school for weeks now, but tomorrow will be the first day I leave baby Jake.
When I went back to work after Jenna Kate was born, Kevin was staying home with her. It was so easy to go back. I mean, of course it was hard in many ways. It was hard to work a 10-12 hour day after not getting more than 4 or 5 consecutive hours of sleep. It was hard to come home from that 10-12 hour day of work and be immediately passed a baby to relieve Kev. But emotionally, it was so easy to go back. I knew that the only person that would know my baby better than me that day – would be her father.
I love Grace Crossing and thank God that we found such a wonderful church school. One that has before and after-school care and an infant class! It was the answer to many prayers. I love the women that will be watching Jake and loving him and changing him and feeding him and rocking him all day. But I’m just sad. I’m sad that soon, I will pick up my baby at the end of the day, and someone will tell me what he did that day. And it won’t be his father.
I’m really ready to go back, but I humbly ask for prayers tomorrow.
Life to Date:
August brought my annual college girls weekend. Last year we decided to do it here at my house and had a lot of fun. Since I had a 5 week old at the time it seemed best to do it here again. Jenna went and lived with Gaga and Papa and Kev took care of baby Jake. As always, it was perfect. Lots of drinking, lots of talking, lots of drinking and talking.
August brought my annual college girls weekend. Last year we decided to do it here at my house and had a lot of fun. Since I had a 5 week old at the time it seemed best to do it here again. Jenna went and lived with Gaga and Papa and Kev took care of baby Jake. As always, it was perfect. Lots of drinking, lots of talking, lots of drinking and talking.
Go to Beth's Blog for a cute recap of her trip down....
Labor Day Weekend brought together 5 couples that are nothing but trouble. The ten of us are headed to Mexico together next summer, a trip long in the making, and this last FIA weekend made me even more excited for the trip. I don't have any pictures to post. All things done and seen that weekend are never to be published on a family-friendly blog. For the sake of mentally reliving the weekend when we're 45, I'll say this: poker, fiesta, skinny dipping, sandman, jager, geckos. Sandman.
I got to meet my nephews last week. It was heavenly…not only to meet the awesome, awesome little men, but to be with Jo. We could have a glass of champagne for breakfast, a glass of wine for lunch; we were up to our eyeballs in babies…but we were in it Together.
I got to meet my nephews last week. It was heavenly…not only to meet the awesome, awesome little men, but to be with Jo. We could have a glass of champagne for breakfast, a glass of wine for lunch; we were up to our eyeballs in babies…but we were in it Together.
A nice summary of our days...Coloring books, binkies, bottles and champagne.....
Noah (with Jenna's baby)...
Jake napping....wine drinking.....
My littles went to their 2 month and 2 year well-checks yesterday. Jacob is off the charts (above 90th percentile) in height and weight. Not surprising at all – but nice to hear that his height (2 feet 5 inches!) offsets his weight (15 pounds!) and averages him out to just being a ginormous 2 month old! Not an overweight 2 month old! Jenna is still steady in the 50th percentile of height and weight… with a really big head! :)
I have really awesome babies. I want to remember how great they are right now.
Jacob is the best baby ever in the history of babies. He is always smiling and laughing and just rolls with whatever the day brings. He really never fusses and he’s sleeping for 6-7 hour stretches at night. He watches it all…takes it all in. He looks just like my husband and seems to be taking his personality; calm, sweet, leveled. And I see some of the "fighting-mad-Kevin" when I'm a little slow to make his bottle.
He melts my heart. 
Jenna Kate is a million things rolled into one little redhead. She is a parrot – repeating anything that is said – which is funny and dangerous. She is talking in full sentences and declares everything she likes, “AWSHUM”! She has an attitude and rolls her eyes at me. She’s mean and feisty and then sweet and loving and apologetic. She loves Yo Gabba Gabba and Nemo. And her Bebe Jeke. She demands attention and I hear “Look at ME!” at least 5 times a day. She’s smart and charming and makes me crazy. I love her so much that sometimes I feel like I’m going to burst.
Football season has begun. Potty training has begun. Heading to Austin this weekend to meet Becky’s new baby, Jonas, and play with Cristie, Addie, Marian, Finn and Eloise. I’m heading back to work. Life is crazy and good. Really good.
Bittersweet going back to work. You are in my thoughts for sure! Can't wait to see you this weekend.
ReplyDeleteLoved this post - made me miss you and your kids. I love how you write - makes me feel what you're feeling....also, I KNOW how you like Sonic ice and will never try to fill your cup half full again...trying to be sneaky (and lazy)....so busted. ;)