I remember the first day I saw him – almost 5 years ago. It was a Friday afternoon at Cook’s and things were slow. CookNet was an intranet system for employees to post wants and needs. Things they were looking for, “WANTED: 2 tickets to Disney on Ice next Thursday”. Things they wanted to get rid of, “I have 20 moving boxes – only used once – free to whoever comes to get them.”
And things they wanted to sell, “FOR SALE: Male Boston Terrier- 6 months old – my mother can no longer take care of.”
And there were pictures.
He had a curly tail. I remember thinking right away, “If I’m going to talk Kevin into this, I have to hide the picture with the tail.”
We were in no way looking for a new dog. Landon was very young and quite content to terrorize Chandler. And, let’s face it; Chandler is high-maintenance enough.
But I loved this dog.
I showed Kevin the cute picture of his face that Friday night. He immediately said no and I quickly talked him into just driving to SEE the dog Saturday morning. We were throwing a couple’s baby shower that night and were expecting about 60 guests. We had to go to CostCo and a few other last minute errands, so he caved and said we’d go by and see him.
It was a further drive then I expected-- to a trailer park near a small airport. There were about 20 kids running around playing… and we saw him right away. He was tied to a tree, with ribs poking every which way, panting his little tongue – and jumping up and down like a cartoon character. It was about 90 degrees outside that day.
When we walked up, I saw Kevin kick an empty water dish upright… and I knew we were getting a new dog. He talked to the family while I introduced myself to the kids who claimed Tico as their own.
On the way back to the car – the puppy rolled over on his back and just laid there like he was in trouble. We rode to the nearest ATM in silence, Kevin pulsed some money, and we drove back to the trailer park. We honestly didn’t even discuss anything about it. We just knew that he was our dog.
Money and papers were exchanged, the kids cried and took pictures of Tico, and I held him tight to me and told him his name was Ed.
We got home, introduced him to Chandler, and promptly locked them in the garage as we had a party to get to.
I remember the mother-to-be was opening gifts when I saw him in someone’s lap. He had obviously gotten out of the garage and this strange dog that was dehydrated and dirty – was sitting in a guest’s lap. And that was Eddie. I’ve never had a single person to my home since that day that Eddie hasn’t been in their lap. He was so loving and friendly – from the first day I owned him.
Last week, after we heard the devastating news that baby Eddie had an inoperable tumor in his spine, Kevin and I took turns holding him and telling him this story. We told him all about that day – and many other days – where he made us laugh with his silly, loving self. Eddie went to the rainbow bridge last Friday at 3:30 in the afternoon.
Thank you to my dear friend who sent me this – I think it is so very true….
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
And things they wanted to sell, “FOR SALE: Male Boston Terrier- 6 months old – my mother can no longer take care of.”
And there were pictures.
He had a curly tail. I remember thinking right away, “If I’m going to talk Kevin into this, I have to hide the picture with the tail.”
We were in no way looking for a new dog. Landon was very young and quite content to terrorize Chandler. And, let’s face it; Chandler is high-maintenance enough.
But I loved this dog.
I showed Kevin the cute picture of his face that Friday night. He immediately said no and I quickly talked him into just driving to SEE the dog Saturday morning. We were throwing a couple’s baby shower that night and were expecting about 60 guests. We had to go to CostCo and a few other last minute errands, so he caved and said we’d go by and see him.
It was a further drive then I expected-- to a trailer park near a small airport. There were about 20 kids running around playing… and we saw him right away. He was tied to a tree, with ribs poking every which way, panting his little tongue – and jumping up and down like a cartoon character. It was about 90 degrees outside that day.
When we walked up, I saw Kevin kick an empty water dish upright… and I knew we were getting a new dog. He talked to the family while I introduced myself to the kids who claimed Tico as their own.
On the way back to the car – the puppy rolled over on his back and just laid there like he was in trouble. We rode to the nearest ATM in silence, Kevin pulsed some money, and we drove back to the trailer park. We honestly didn’t even discuss anything about it. We just knew that he was our dog.
Money and papers were exchanged, the kids cried and took pictures of Tico, and I held him tight to me and told him his name was Ed.
We got home, introduced him to Chandler, and promptly locked them in the garage as we had a party to get to.
I remember the mother-to-be was opening gifts when I saw him in someone’s lap. He had obviously gotten out of the garage and this strange dog that was dehydrated and dirty – was sitting in a guest’s lap. And that was Eddie. I’ve never had a single person to my home since that day that Eddie hasn’t been in their lap. He was so loving and friendly – from the first day I owned him.
Last week, after we heard the devastating news that baby Eddie had an inoperable tumor in his spine, Kevin and I took turns holding him and telling him this story. We told him all about that day – and many other days – where he made us laugh with his silly, loving self. Eddie went to the rainbow bridge last Friday at 3:30 in the afternoon.
Thank you to my dear friend who sent me this – I think it is so very true….
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Some of my favorite pics of a wonderful dog~

Our last day together - my two sick babies on their pallet - - - with Chan supervising..
OH Jaime, that breaks my heart and makes me cry! Hope you guys are doing ok without him. :(