I can tell you that it always feels good to be a patient at the hospital you work at. You feel very safe (and when even the check-in receptionist calls you Dr. Rowland, you feel important) and I know that Jenna is getting the best care there is.
But the feeling that will stay with me forever is the feeling I got when Jenna was under anesthesia. I had a quick, “prayers please” text ready on my phone and sent it right when they took the baby away from me. For the next 15 minutes, the entire time she was under, my phone never stopped beeping. Text after text saying “Done.” “Got it.” “Praying Now”.
The peace that was with me knowing that all of my incredible friends were praying for my baby, right at that moment, literally took my breath away. I am always just so THANKFUL. What did I do to deserve so many wonderful people in my life?
Here is our morning in pictures….

Once we got the go-ahead, she got to put on her cool scrubs. I had the inside scoop on her size scrubs and so the binkie matching is not a coincidence, my friends. I'm good.

She was "recovered" and the car was pulled up from valet within 35 minutes of her coming out of the OR. Gaga and Papa came over to see the patient. She got a cookie with tons of icing, a balloon and a new baby monkey. She loved it all and was modeling her scrubs and sticking EKG electrode pads all over her head and laughing all afternoon.

I had gotten the child really cool Popsicles as her recovery gift. Which you can see she's enjoying as she's waiting for Dad to put together her 4_WHEELER.
I'm sure you're noticing in all these pictures that the baby really doesn't have enough stuff to play with. So an ATV really shouldn't have confused me so much.
But when she figured out how to make that thing go - - I cannot even tell you how excited she was. This picture doesn't even do justice to the joy! I now love the thing and think it's a perfectly acceptable gift for getting tubes!
She even got to go outside to ride. In her scrubs - because she had JUST HAD SURGERY! We had to remind her several times that she was sleepy and she finally fell out for a nice, 4-hour anesthesia-induced nap.