Monday, December 20, 2010

got central heating and I'm alright

So much to say….

I realized if I didn’t post pictures of the last couple of weeks, Christmas and New Years would bring a whole new crop of thoughts and still-frames and these would never get posted. SO here are a LOT of pictures……

Thanksgiving brought the Seris family. The boys are a couple of weeks younger than Jake, don’t be fooled by my guy’s monster size.
An attempt at a Christmas picture of all four of the babies…

Jake waiting...

Jensen joins him.....

Jake eats Jensen.....
Jensen showing off his awesome hair, styled by Jake....


And we took Jenna to the Christmas Tree Lighting again this year.

with Jo Jo.... me, I want a huula hoop....

wait. what?

She was so much better with Santa! Had a quick meltdown (Literally. She fell to the ground in protest just when it was our turn to walk up.) but recovered nicely and smiled.

Kate had her Christmas Program at school. She spent TWO WEEKS walking around the house singing Jingle Bells and Jesus Loves Me. She told anyone who would listen that she was singing them in her Christmas Program.

Ready and singing her songs.

Still singing. Jingle Bells!

Won’t stop singing. Jesus Loves Me!

See her?

Look closer. She’s the one in the teacher’s lap. Not singing a single note. Not opening her mouth one time.

And possibly the funniest part about it? Neither Jingle Bells nor Jesus Loves Me were sung by anyone. They were not in the program. She made that up.

Because she performed so well - - She got to go to Yo Gabba Gabba Live!

Pregame -Enjoying a lollypop while Mom enjoys some wine...
Here they are...

This is her look of excitement.....


My favorite thing so far, and hopefully an annual tradition, was taking them on The Polar Express. My parents took us, which explains the first-class seating. And Landon didn’t go at the last minute, which explains why we have TWO tables all to ourselves.

You wear your pajamas, board the train and listen to the story while you ride to The North Pole. Then you pick up Santa and he rides back to the depot with you!

Waiting for the train...

"Hi Choo Choo Twain!"...

We were greeted with a brownie and hot chocolate. My kid couldn't eat fast enough...

(And she decided to stick with water)

It was magical.

Both kids loved every second of it. Jake was dancing, laughing, looking around in awe.

Pulling up to the North Pole...

Jenna was a little nervous to hear Santa had actually boarded the train. ......

Hates him!!!!....

Cool with him because he gave her a bell. ....

LOVED a waitress ….even left with her for awhile....

Brunch with Santa at Bentwater was awesome. No better way to do Santa than with mimosas and a bloody mary! Jenna was her best yet with the bearded man. No smiles or anything ridiculous like that. But she did walk straight up to him, got in his lap, and told him she wanted a baby doll. Then she just stared at him and then got down. No love, but moving towards some respect.

Pictures are blurry – my camera wasn’t charged and my iPhone is yuck.

Here are my kids last night – playing on our iPhones.

Except Jake. He prefers Sunday Night Football.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A penguin and a redhead

I have a Thanksgiving post ready to be loaded with really fun pictures. Will try to do over lunch.

I had to update this morning regarding 5:55 - 6:45 AM.
Jenna doesn't completely flip out very often. But when she is absolutely unbelievable.

I put Jake in a new little penguin hat this morning. He's cute (a little sleepy)....

Kate was sitting on the foot of the stairs, per her routine, waiting with the bags for me to get Jake dressed. I brought him over and she saw the hat......
And lost it.

I was really confused. She was suddenly Wailing that she needed a penguin hat.
"But you have on penguin leg warmers!!"
Her response:
Jake is a little concerned...
I somehow get her in the car....still absolutely HYSTERICAL!
The entire drive.

Gets to school...flips the switch...prances in and tells everyone to
"Yook at baby Jcup's hat!!"
Laughing, eating, normal.


Monday, November 22, 2010

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."

- Marcel Proust

Bubba Jack
Bebe Jeke
Baby Jakey
Baby J-cup

AT 4 months old, Jacob Kyle:


Laughs when you nibble his chin
Laughs when you talk “baby-talk” to him
Laughs when Jenna sings to him
Laughs when you say “BOO!”


Pulls my hair when I’m feeding him
Cries when he’s really, really tired
Sticks his bottom lip out if you pretend to cry


Turns down a bottle
Wants to fuss
Forgets to smile when you say his name
Makes me feel anything but blessed….

I've never met a happier baby; thus, I have never felt this truly happy.
Thank you, charming gardener.