We arrived in Surfside to this
and this
and this.
There are very few pics from Friday...Becky and I got into my birthday wine almost immediately. Shocker.
This was one of our several failed deck-barrier attempts. We finally got it right the last night and felt that we deserved to stay one more week based on the barrier alone.
and this was the damn kite.
Saturday morning, they were ready to go.
We didn't exactly know what we were doing with 4 babies on a beach, but decided just to get them down there and see what happened!
Jonas and Jake's first salt-and-sand experience:
The redheads were, clearly, just too much cuteness. People would stop just to talk to them.
At lunchtime/naptime, Karl purchased us the best beach-gift we could have ever received. the tent.
More of Jake being fat and cute on a beach.
Our family picture. It's so Back to the Future with Kevin and Jenna fogged out in every single attempt.
Red x 2.
Baby Jonas
The bottle fight that signaled that the babies were blissfully tired.
My favorite part of Sunday was that we took the one safe place, our perfectly perfect tent, and decided to make it really dangerous. Karl wanted to dig a hole that Jonas couldn't get out of. We were all fully on board. Especially the toddlers.
We decided they should fill it with water, instead.
Drew continually took down the smallest bucket (of 20 options) and would lose his water one foot from the ocean. He's the smart one.
Landon had the time of his life. There were huge family reunions on either side of us. Kids his age, teenagers, adults. He became friends with all of them and basically joined one of the families. He played a lot of volleyball, "surfed", sucked up shrimp from the sand, played cards, and was just a cool beach kid.
I wish I would have taken even more pictures. Of the sharks we saw, of Scattergories (where I'm certain I can't remember when I have laughed that hard), of Jenna and Drew playing together nonstop, of just sitting with the grown-ups on the balcony every night. I didn't. At some point, the camera just stopped always being in someone's hands. But I will remember all of it.
Thank you, Kuhlmans, for a perfect vacation.