Dr. Gus Mueller is an audiologist with a sense of humor ...which is rare. He writes a blog that I appreciate and his first post of the year started with this paragraph:
If you’re doing blogging on the 1st of the year, the content sort of has to fall within one of three areas:
reflections of the past year, new year resolutions, or predictions for the new year.
I can’t remember 2010 very well, and my
life is too enjoyable to complicate it with resolutions, so I’m going to throw
out some predictions for 2011
I couldn't have written anything more perfect for my first blog of 2011….
Those of you who know me well, know that I have the memory of a gnat. Certainly regarding anything negative or unpleasant…but even the good and happy times. I really don’t remember 2010 well enough to do reflecting beyond re-reading this blog that skims the surface of my life.
And I know you all re-read this thing from beginning to end at least once a week, so we’re fine there.
And I know you all re-read this thing from beginning to end at least once a week, so we’re fine there.
“My life is too enjoyable to complicate it with resolutions” is my favorite part. I’ve never made resolutions. I always want to lose weight, , I always want to get more organized, I always want to cut out all of the clutter…..all those stereotypical resolutions are just constant things I have in the back of my head but rarely get serious about. I like to just enjoy life and raise kids and drink wine. My life does not need to be complicated with resolutions.
((And then I quickly add that I’m not really a LAZY person. I can be very motivated but usually just by competition. I don’t like to lose. When I get the hiccups, everyone knows to immediately dare me to not hiccup 3 times. If I have a dare, I will do it. I always stop hiccuping after 2. If someone thinks I can’t do something, I’m going to try harder than you could even imagine to actually do it. And do it well. If I want to. I just like to spend a good 80% of my life in RELAX mode.))
So with zero reflections or resolutions going on in Jaime’s Brain ---- I’ll shout out some completely random predictions for 2011….
1. The Kroger in Willis will remain as annoying and blerg as any country grocery store could be.
But will pull something like this off to make me laugh in the midst of my disgust…

2. Chandler will become more and more brazenly disrespectful of dog limits.

3. My hairdryer that I have loved and used daily since 2001 will die.
I know your on/off button doesn't work and so if you're plugged in - you're on. And I know your temperature control doesn't work and so when you're plugged in - you're on So Very Hot that I can't keep my hands in my hair for more than a second at a time. But I will miss you. You dried the thickest hair in the universe and you did it for a long,long time.

4. Jake will begin walking at an absurdly young age.

5. Life will remain Good at The Rowland house.

Happy 2011 from my family to yours!