The highlights of the end of my pregnancy were The Jones Family and July 2nd.
Cristie, Marcus and baby Addie came in town to take care of me. They brought food, they brought presents for my kids, they cooked, they cleaned....they just made everything better.
July 2nd is just a great day. Always, even as I'm getting older, I childishly love my birthday. It's not about presents or anything like that...I just love the feeling of a day where everyone is nice to you. It's just all about me.
Narcissistic? Yes. But it's not like you didn't know I've got a teeny bit of that in me.
It's not about presents...but speaking of presents....

Then there was the 4th. This year, Landon decided to ride his scooter in the parade.
A week later, we celebrated Kevin's birthday and I finally got up the courage to have some wine. Haven't looked back since.
9 days after Jacob's debut- my other baby turned TWO. No party (still to date) secondary to baby-chaos, but I have a huge box of the makings of an absolutely fabulous Ladybug Picnic. It'll happen...swear.
Then, on July 28th, my twin nephews were born. I don't even know how to describe the feelings of that day. When my baby sister, my best friend in the world, my "soul mate" .... gave me 13 pounds of nephew. They were healthy, happy babies - - and Jodi and Anthony are perfectly parenting! Go to Jodi's blog to watch them grow.....
So then, just like that, July was over. My family expanded by three baby boys, a lot of us turned another year older, and I reignited my affair with wine. It was such a good month!