I giggled all the way up the 3 flights of stairs to my floor (((PAUSE: those of you that know me, and my hate for all things resembling exercise, may have been taken aback by that comment. Turns out I hate germs more than stairs. An elevator in a hospital is about the grossest place in the world to me. When the doors open, it’s like a Lysol commercial – I can SEE all the germs dancing around in the air; having a party on the panel with the push buttons. Just writing about it makes me pull out my antibacterial gel. That said – I always try to take the stairs at work just to avoid an elevator of sickies.))) and I noticed that there was a LOT of traffic in the stairwell! I passed about 15 men in hardhats….and suddenly I was nervous. I had to act casual as I took the stairs 2 at a time to the one step between the 4th and 5th floor that houses my mint.
You see, when I was about 7 months pregnant, I was coming down the stairs from the 6th floor and talking on the phone to my sister. This is not out of the ordinary; however, this particular month, I was starting to feel really large and clumsy and I think I subconsciously called someone on stair-hikes just so they could call 911 if they heard me fall. Anyways, as I was heading down the stairs, talking to Jodi in a very animated way, the BreathSaver in my mouth flew out. I remember the event so vividly, but it was just a millisecond pause. I think I even kept talking as I mentally scanned the pros and cons of bending down to pick up the mint. I’m not a litterbug and I get annoyingly mad at people who don’t just put things in a trashcan. But I knew in an instant that it was NOT a good idea to get the mint. I moved on, kept talking, and even forgot about it by the time I was back down to 3.
For the remainder of my pregnancy, every time I would pass the mint I would remember that I could really hurt myself bending over on the steep, concrete, often-vacant employee stairwell. I ignored it.
When I came back from maternity leave, I was intrigued to find that the mint was still there. I kept it to myself for months, but finally told some co-workers last spring. I would see it everyday and at this point and I didn’t pick it up… simply because it was still there.
So on this day, SEVENTEEN MONTHS after the mint fell out of my mouth; I just knew that one of these construction workers had disrupted it. Kicked it, smashed it, maybe even picked it up with a tissue and flushed it?

Nope, it’s still there. Thank you construction crew, for just letting it be. And a big thank you, AS ALWAYS, St. Luke’s Cleaning Services.
In other news, we took Jenna to the beach.
Kevin came home last Monday night and said “let’s go to Kemah.” I immediately found us a room and almost booked it when he changed his mind and declared, “let’s go all the way to the coast.”
So we headed down to Galveston for a quick, fun weekend. The weather was perfect and there were a lot of festivals downtown. So great to see the city rebuilding after Ike and amazing how bad it really was.
When her feet would sink into the sand/mud, she’d laugh and laugh. When she’d fall into the water, she’d laugh and laugh. Nothing scared her; nothing bothered her - - even the saltwater rash that broke out all over her body- - except for when we’d head back to the stroller!
Trip 2 - We decided to stay on the sand......