A normal routine:
Waddle into living room, climb up on her PBK 'Jenna' chair, stand up and start jumping. "Jenna! Sit down on your bottom, baby." Jump, Jump, staring me directly in the eyes, Jump. "Jenna! SIT DOWN!" Jump, Jump, pointing finger at me and yelling (eerily similar to how i yell at the dogs). So I have to go over and pull her off, flip the chair upside down and ignore her protests.
Another scenario that is happening at least twice a day:
Waddle (very quickly) into the laundry room the second she notices I have forgotten to close the door, squat down and flip the dog's water bowl completely over, and then start tossing dog food like she's rolling dice in Vegas. "Jenna! No dogfood!!!!" I yell from across the house as soon as I hear the bang, splash, tossing. By the time I get there, she has emptied both food bowls and often she has eaten a piece or two herself. "Jenna! That is VERY BAD!" And as I pull her up by the arm to avoid either of us wiping out in the now disaster area, she hits me and yells "bad dog". To me.
Waddle (very quickly) into the laundry room the second she notices I have forgotten to close the door, squat down and flip the dog's water bowl completely over, and then start tossing dog food like she's rolling dice in Vegas. "Jenna! No dogfood!!!!" I yell from across the house as soon as I hear the bang, splash, tossing. By the time I get there, she has emptied both food bowls and often she has eaten a piece or two herself. "Jenna! That is VERY BAD!" And as I pull her up by the arm to avoid either of us wiping out in the now disaster area, she hits me and yells "bad dog". To me.
But then they're sweet....
The most amazing part of the last few days, however, has been Jenna consistently saying "thank you". You hand her a sippy..."ta ta". You put her dress on..."ta ta". You hand her Baby Michelle..."ta ta". It's so amazing. Add to that - - Jenna loves to give hugs this week.
So that means that after every chair-flip-cussing, after every dogfood-beating, even after throwing a sippy dangerously close to my head when I told her to stop feeding the dogs her cheese......I get a hug around the neck and a "ta ta".
It doesn't get any better than this.